The NC Germany serves three main purposes.
Firstly, it functions as a forum for the discussion and coordination of CoARA matters specific to the German research landscape. These topics could include assessment relevant aspects of financial incentive structures inscribed in German (state or federal) law or statutes of universities / higher education institutions or associations, legislative developments or novel funding schemes of national importance.
Secondly, the NC supports the reform of research assessment practices and culture in practical ways. The NC would likely be regarded (by political authorities at all levels, research funding and performing institutions, reviewers and applicants) as a relevant player in the research landscape, which could in itself strengthen the cultural change (via assessment, administrative or governance and other reforms as well as changes of individual behaviour), and allow the NC to advocate for specific goals. It could also enhance the reach of ideas developed in the CoARA working groups in which various NC members are active. Furthermore, the NC helps members in their CoARA-related reporting duties by exchanging experiences, positions and (open) questions.
Thirdly, the NC serves as a point of contact for German organisations that are interested in the topic of research assessment reform but are not – or not yet – signatories of ARRA or members of CoARA. On the one hand, this could assist organisations that consider joining CoARA. On the other hand, German organisations which have voiced concerns over certain details of CoARA could be involved in the discussion on research assessment reform without requiring membership.