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Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment

Our vision is that the assessment of research, researchers and research organisations recognises the diverse outputs, practices and activities that maximise the quality and impact of research. This requires basing assessment primarily on qualitative judgement, for which peer review is central, supported by responsible use of quantitative indicators.

The Agreement

Based on 10 commitments, establishes a common direction for research assessment reform, while respecting organisations’ autonomy. The Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment sets a shared direction for changes in assessment practices for research, researchers and research performing organisations, with the overarching goal to maximise the quality and impact of research.

The Agreement includes the principles, commitments and timeframe for reforms and lays out the principles for a Coalition of organisations willing to work together in implementing the changes.

Read the Agreement

Sign the agreement

The agreement is open for signature to organisations from across the world.

I believe in a research culture that recognises a diversity of contributions to science and society; that celebrates high quality and impactful research; and that values sharing, collaboration, integrity and engagement with society, transmitting knowledge from generation to generation.

Mariya Gabriel

Commissioner for ​Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth

It is now time to go beyond existing declarations and define clearly what we want for the future of research assessment. Universities, researchers and all stakeholders need to choose how they want to be assessed and need to choose now.

Michael Murphy

President of the European University Association, EUA

‘Publish or perish’ and metrics have led us into a blind alley. Let’s start recognizing the full breadth of value created by researchers.

Marc Schiltz

President of Science Europe

The way in which we define success, and who and what we value, drives our behaviours and culture. It’s time to broaden narrow definitions of success to ensure we recognise the full breadth of contributions to and roles in research. If we go about it purposefully, this broader recognition will not only improve research quality but also be a lever to improve research culture.

Karen Stroobants

Consultant with expertise in research on research

Reforming research assessment is a priority for the European Research Area and one of the actions in the ERA Policy Agenda for 2022-2024. In this video, two researchers discuss the importance of reforming research assessment and why the Agreement and the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) will be key drivers for change.


Read the latest tweets on the initiative to reform research assessment, using the hashtag #ReformingRA

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