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Working Group: Supporting the alignment of research assessment systems with CoARA in biomedical disciplines through administrative reforms and governance

WG Objectives

In biomedical institutions, research assessments are highly regulated and procedurally institutionalized. Administrative reform is a crucial part of sustainable and successful research assessment reforms (RAR).

The goals of the WG are to:

  1. identify barriers and facilitators
  2. evaluate existing examples
  3. consolidate experiences and
  4. identify best practice scenarios.

Translating CoARA into organizational practice requires not only the agreement of the broader science community, but its implementation success also depends on other factors that facilitate or hinder the RAR within an organization’s administration and governance (A&G). The working group WG seeks to equip A&G with knowledge and strategies to implement changes in their respective research assessment schemes, organizational procedures and frameworks.

By addressing the A&G aspects, we gain insights into largely hidden implementation processes. Based on these insights, we expect an increased likelihood of sustainable implementation and uptake of RAR. The starting point is the (bio)medical research discipline (and related fields), assuming similar research cultures, notions of excellence and assessment practices as well as acknowledging the specifics of researchers that are both medical professionals and scientists. The WG aims to identify tailored best practice examples on the different levels of assessment (e.g., individual versus institutional, publications). It further takes the different purposes of assessment (e.g., hiring, funding, publication etc.) or the research area (e.g., basic research, clinical research) into account. All participating members agree to include ECRs as well as EDI officers from their respective institutions in the WG. Depending on the later composition, the WG might split into different subgroups e.g., one group per level or decide to prioritize between the topics.

While the WG starts out as a disciplinary WG, we aim to identify common, cross-disciplinary themes and operationalize the results in a way that they are usable and relevant to other disciplines.

The WG is open to all research institutions and those representing researchers, as well as publishers and representatives of funding organizations. We aim to assure that all WG members will benefit from their participation by jointly developing a best practice strategy for implementation of a RAR as a frame of reference helping to navigate each organization’s own implementation process.

Affiliated organisations


  • EU-LIFE, Europe
  • Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Italy
  • Erasmus MC Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Ospedale San Raffaele, Italy
  • Berlin Institute of Health, Germany
  • Charité Universitaetsmedizin Berlin


The Working Group held its first meeting on 7 September 2023, officially launching in October 2023. Since then, the Working Group convenes regular monthly meetings on the first Monday of each month at 2 pm. Additionally, ad-hoc meetings are scheduled to coordinate specific activities. 

Some organizations within the Working Group have dedicated webpages showcasing their activities aimed at promoting research assessment reform, and raising awareness of their participation in the Working Group: 

Upcoming Events

  • Asynchronous “Virtual Brainstorm 

When? 16-17 May 2024  

Who can participate? The event is open to all interested participants, especially those holding positions related to administration and governance. 

How will it work? The event will adopt the virtual brainstorm format outlined in Holman et al. It will feature expert talks combined with work sessions, facilitating extensive discussions on topics pertaining to research assessment reform from the viewpoint of professionals engaged in organizational administration and governance. The aim is to co-create a whitepaper for a feasible action plan template that supports the administration and governance in research assessment reforms. If you are interested, please register here: 

More information and the detailed agenda will follow soon! 

Find out more!

The Working Group is open to all CoARA members interested in the topic. Particularly, personnel in an organization’s administration and governance committed to driving the reform of research assessment. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you would like to join the Working Group! 

Contact: Miriam Kip, Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) at Charité, miriam.kip[at]charite[dot]de



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