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Call for Candidates for CoARA Steering Board Members – Chair, Vice Chair, and Steering Board Members

The Secretariat of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) launched a call for candidates for filling CoARA Steering Board Member positions, including Chair and Vice-Chair.


  • Call Launch: 7 October 2024
  • Call Deadline: 11 November 2024
  • Email Submission to with the subject line “CoARA SB Call 2024”

Application Templates:

For more details see Call for Candidates.

The CoARA Secretariat is seeking candidates for the following positions, to be elected at the CoARA General Assembly on Monday, 9 December 2024: 

  • Chair of CoARA 
  • 6 Steering Board Members, including 1 Vice-Chair 

Elected candidates will begin their terms immediately upon the announcement of the voting results. 

The Steering Board (SB) of CoARA is responsible for the overall oversight, strategy, work plan, and sustainability of CoARA. The SB provides guidance for member participation and oversees the work of the Working Groups, National Chapters, and the General Assembly. The SB ensures that CoARA’s activities align with its long-term aims and vision for advancing research assessment. 



The Steering Board of CoARA oversees the strategic direction, governance, and long-term sustainability of the coalition. The election aims to ensure that the Steering Board is composed of individuals who bring a diverse range of expertise, leadership, and commitment to advancing research assessment reforms, while maintaining balanced representation across member organisations. 

This call seeks candidates who can contribute to CoARA’s mission and actively engage in its initiatives. 

The current composition of Steering Board members who will continue their terms, and therefore are not up for re-election, is listed below: 

Name Organisation* Country

Dr. Elizabeth Gadd (Vice-Chair)

International Network of Research Management Societies (OTH)


Dr. Lidia Borrell-Damián

Science Europe (FUN)


Dr. Luciana Balboa

Global Young Academy (AKA) Argentina

Mr Janne Pölönen

Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (AKA) Finland



The Steering Board members whose mandate ends in December 2024 is listed below: 

Name Organisation* Country
Prof. Rianne Letschert (Chair) Maastricht University (UNI) Netherlands
Dr. Karen Stroobants (Vice-Chair) Marie Curie Alumni Association (ACA) UK
Dr. Eva Mendéz  Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UNI) Spain
Prof. Menico Rizzi  Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes – ANVUR (AUTH) Italy
Dr. Sylvie Rousset French National Centre for Scientific Research – CNRS (RES) France
Prof. Toma Susi  University of Vienna (UNI) Austria
Prof. Paul Boyle  Swansea University (UNI) UK

*Type of Organisation: At least one and not more than four Steering Board members should originate from each of the following types of organisations, provided candidacies have been presented for each category: 

  • Universities and their associations (UNI). 
  • Research centres, research infrastructures, and their associations (RES) 
  • Academies, learned societies, and their associations, and associations of researchers (ACA). 
  • Public or private research funding organisations and their associations (FUN). 
  • National/regional authorities or agencies that implement some form of research assessment and their associations (AUTH) 
  • Other relevant non-profit organisations involved with research assessment, and their associations (OTH). 

Election Process 

The current call is seeking candidates for a Chair and 6 new Steering Board members, including one Vice-Chair. The new members will be appointed by the General Assembly, based on the applications received and applying the approved at the previous General Assembly meeting geographical balancing algorithm (see CoARA Core Document “Rules of Procedure for Chair, Vice-Chair(s), and Steering Board“). 

Detailed explanations of the Functions, Terms, and Responsibilities of the Chair, Vice-Chair(s), and Steering Board Members can be found in the following documents: 

We recommend that applicants also consult the following documents before applying: 


The Steering Board is composed of a maximum of 11 members, including the Chair and up to two Vice-Chairs. When voting, each General Assembly member organisation will endeavour to ensure balance in the Steering Board membership in terms of types of organisations represented, geographic coverage, gender, and diversity of disciplines and expertise.  


Eligibility Criteria 

Any CoARA member organization can nominate one of its employees or other persons affiliated or having a contractual relation with them, as a candidate. Only nominations from organisations that will have signed the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment by 7 October 2024, will be eligible to nominate candidates. Organizations that have signed the Agreement and have had their CoARA membership confirmed by the start of the online voting will be eligible to vote in the election. For more information about the membership at the CoARA, please consult the FAQs “Who can sign the Agreement and join the Coalition?” and “How to join the Coalition?”. 


Expected profiles 

While a diversity of profiles is valued, Steering Board members are expected to have expertise and a broad overview of research assessment issues and be committed to participate in CoARA activities. Candidates should demonstrate strong leadership and communication skills, and a commitment to advancing research assessment reforms. 




The election of the Chair is a separate election from that of the other Steering Board members. Two separate online voting ballots will be provided.  

Candidates for the Chair position must submit an application template with a brief motivation statement and a narrative CV detailing their background and expertise, including how they match the profile for the Chair position. 

Each CoARA member organisation can vote for one Chair candidate, and the candidate with the most votes will be elected. The Chair serves a non-renewable two-year term. 

Vice-Chair and Steering Board Members 

Candidates for the Steering Board may also declare candidacy for the Vice-Chair position. The candidates who receive the most votes for the Steering Board, and who also declared candidacy for Vice-Chair, will be nominated as Vice-Chairs. Vice-Chairs serve a two-year term, which can be renewed once for an additional year. 

Candidates for the Steering Board must submit an application template with a brief motivation statement and a narrative CV detailing their background and expertise. 

Steering Board members are elected for an initial term of two years, with the possibility of renewing their term twice by one-year consecutive periods. The total term cannot exceed four years.  


Application Procedure 

Candidates must submit their application using the provided template (see below), either for a Chair position or Steering Board membership, including a Motivation Statement (maximum 400 words) and a Narrative CV (maximum 800 words). 

Application Template for a Chair position. 

Application Template for Steering Board members (incl. one Vice-Chair position). 


Call Deadline and Submissions 

Applications should be sent to the CoARA Secretariat by Monday, 

11 November 2024 at midnight (CET). Please make sure to mention “CoARA SB Call 2024” in the email subject as reference. 


For any questions regarding the call or application procedures, please contact the CoARA Secretariat: 


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