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CoARA’s membership expands beyond 600 organisations

The Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) reaches another milestone with welcoming the coalition’s 600th member organisation.

CoARA is pleased to start 2024 with welcoming 17 new members who joined the coalition in the first half of January. Together with them, the coalition’s membership counts more than 600 members and is increasingly expanding beyond Europe.

Growth in global membership applications

Organisations joining CoARA from outside Europe sees an incline and reflects the growing recognition of the coalition’s mission on a global scale, including organisations from Andorra, Australia, Chile, or the United States.

Continued increase in membership further strengthens the shared direction of the research assessment reform as crystallised in the agreement and brings collective commitment and action in place for their implementation, to be reflected in the members’ action plans.

Prof. Menico Rizzi, Steering Board representative for the CoARA membership application subgroup, expresses his enthusiasm for the coalition’s global expansion, stating, “The membership growth is a testament to the global relevance of CoARA’s mission. By uniting organisations from various corners of the world, CoARA is creating a truly inclusive platform for advancing research assessment practices globally that is in the unique position of exploiting the extraordinary richness of ideas and input generated by diversity.”


Source: Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment Secretariat 17/01/2024

Applicants predominantly opt for full membership

CoARA observes an increasing number of applications seeking full membership over only signatory status. This indicates a growing commitment among organisations to actively participate in the shaping of the coalition’s initiatives and contributing to the ongoing discourse on the future of research assessment.

Dr. Eva Méndez, Steering Board representative for the CoARA membership application subgroup, comments the observation: “The fact that organisations are increasingly opting for CoARA membership in addition to signing the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment speaks volumes about a collective desire to not only endorse change but to actively drive it. It signifies a profound commitment from these organisations to be at the forefront of reform, to have a real impact on shaping the coalition’s initiatives, and to contribute their valuable insights and knowledge to the reform of research assessment practices. The membership implies a step forward, a “yes we want/yes we can” and a real PCI (Practical Commitment for Implementation), as we used to call it in the OSPP (Open Science Policy Platform) Final Report.”

To provide more information including the benefits and distinctions between signatory and membership status, CoARA makes available an informative graphic. This resource outlines the responsibilities associated with each status, helping prospective members or signatories to make informed decisions about their involvement with the coalition.


Open the infographic by clicking on the image or the link here.

Source: Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment Secretariat




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