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Progress on CoARA membership and forthcoming activities

Progress on CoARA membership

The coalition sees growing recognition in its significant task of systematically advancing how research is being assessed, and first progress is being made by an increasing number of memberships.

Since the inception in December 2022, globally 423 members have joined CoARA across 35 countries (as per 24th Feb 2023).

There is broad recognition across varying types of organisations, so far universities and their associations consist of the largest share among members:

The Steering Board is working on developing the CoARA membership within and beyond Europe in order to include viewpoints and perspectives from diverse actors and geographical zones.

Establishment of working groups as a forthcoming action

In addition, a current central focal point consists of the establishment of working groups, and the Steering Board is working actively on the conditions for the Call of the CoARA Working Groups that is expected to be announced in March.

Join CoARA

To further the positive developments, and to take part in the coalition with the possibility of joining working groups, ensure your organisation is a CoARA member, and otherwise in addition of signing the agreement also commit by becoming a member of CoARA! CoARA membership is open to organisations from across the world, including organisations without legal personality.

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